Meet the New Town Supervisor for Fallsburg - Mike Bensimon

Interview with Mike Ben Simon: Future Vision for Town of Fallsburg

In this in-depth interview, future town supervisor for Fallsburg, Mike Ben Simon, offers insights into his background as an auditor and public policy analyst. He also discusses his motives to run for supervisor, and his commitment to public service and governmental efficiency. Ben Simon reflects on his election campaign and addresses a range of concerns, such as low voter turnout and unopposed supervisor races, which he believes jeopardize the functioning of democracy. 

Additionally, he outlines his short-term goals which include conducting management audits and revising policies and procedures. Ben Simon also discusses pressing issues like high-density residential development, infrastructure upgrades, turnover in the building department, and the challenge of transparency in local government.

00:00 Introduction and Background
00:14 Motivation for Running for Supervisor
01:48 Role and Passion as a Governmental Auditor
03:51 Transition from State to County Operations
06:15 Running for Office and Access to Data
08:44 Reflections on Previous Campaigns
11:46 Addressing High Density Residential Development
15:31 Concerns about the Building Department
18:24 Transparency in Local Government
20:27 Closing Remarks and Future Vision
Meet the New Town Supervisor for Fallsburg - Mike Bensimon
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