New Year’s Resolutions: Understanding the Whys & Hows with Clinical Social Worker Wayne Brown

Wayne Brown, a clinical social worker with an advocacy driven by mental health, social justice, and community well-being, delves into the topic of New Year's resolutions, exploring why people make them and if they're beneficial. 

Wayne shares his philosophy on this, emphasizing the importance of understanding motivations, strengths, and challenges, rather than simply telling his clients whether to set resolutions or not. He discusses patterns he's noticed on why individuals set resolutions, linking it to aspects of their lives they're unhappy with. He proposes working towards positive future-oriented goals, and setting meaningful and reasonable ones. 

Wayne stresses the importance of having a strong motivation for change, and understanding what one stands to gain from this change. Patricia and Wayne also touch on the role of support systems, and the way they should set and handle small, feasible goals throughout the year. 

Lastly, Wayne shares a bit about his work at Willow Grove Counseling in the Buffalo Niagara area.
New Year’s Resolutions: Understanding the Whys & Hows with Clinical Social Worker Wayne Brown
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