Local Election Reaction: Greg Goldstein, Chairman for Sullivan County Republicans

Greg Goldstein: [00:00:00] I have mixed emotions, but what happened last night was the right thing for Sullivan County.

Tim Bruno: And do you want to expand on that?

Greg Goldstein: oBviously Years ago, I was chairman for 17 years, and thenI didn't run again, and I was asked this year to come back because of the leadership that we had on the county level as far as the legislature, and it was to, remove or Really take Mr.

Doherty because he was not cooperating and just not a solid leader. And

We need new leadership to move Sullivan County on. We can't have this It's a one man operation trying to lead Sullivan County. It's not right. And we need to get government back to being cordial, respectful, and doing what's best for Sullivan County.

Jason Soup: Greg, this is Jason Dole. I hear you on. You feel like this is the right thing for Sullivan County.

Of course, you're [00:01:00] the head of the Republican Party in Sullivan County. Is this a good thing for the Republican Party? And what's next? What's on the horizon for you and the Republicans?

Greg Goldstein: there's some people that will disagree with me as far as the if it's good for the party or not, but, the committee knew what I was brought back here to do and with the help of Tom Bowes and a lot of committee people, we did the right thing.

What does it bode for us? We now have to regroup. We have to get back to where we were, get stronger qualified candidates for run for public office. Not that we didn't have them, we need to start, we start, we need to what's the new thing, reboot or whatever they say, but it was a difficult thing for me, not, to, to do what we, what had to be done, but it had to be done.

Jason Soup: I hear you that you're emphasizing the positive here, but as you look to this new democratic led legislature, do you have any concerns?

Greg Goldstein: I, no,

looking at the makeup of the legislature, I think this, I know this is a [00:02:00] legislature we can work with. I'm glad to see some young faces on the legislature.

I think between Louie and Nadia and the folks coming in, I think, and with the Republicans that will be there, I think this will be a productive, meaningful meeting. Legislature. I don't care. Unfortunately, if it's not fortunate, let me rephrase that if it's democratically controlled, that's fine. This is Sullivan County.

It's not, it's not the United States as far as the bickering we want to do. And I'm, and I know the Democrats and Anne want to do what's right for

Sullivan County.

Jason Dole: And I was wondering we, we spent a lot of time with, we spent a little time with you and a lot of time with our other guests talking a lot about Sullivan County, the legislature level races. That's what a lot of people were looking at, but I was wondering if you could talk at all about what was happening in the towns.

Is there any town races that you're looking at that you can give us your reaction to?

Greg Goldstein: I Think the only town that really had the the big was the town of [00:03:00] Highland. If I'm correct, I think they had a the incumbent there lost. And local issues. I don't know exactly what all the local issues were there, but, the people spoke and they wanted change and they got what, they got the change that, that they wanted and hopefully the right candidate to to move that on.

Jason Dole: You've been very clear that, you were essentially brought in to do a job and you did that job and you're feeling good about it. And again, you were basically brought back to a leadership role in the Republican Party to do that. Are you going to stay with it? What are your future plans in terms of local politics and, heading off the

Greg Goldstein: Republican Party?

I'm an old guy, no, I my I have a two year term and I don't have any plans of stepping down from this at this point, I'm not going anywhere, I want to, we need to rebuild this party, there's a lot of people that want the party rebuilt because they know that people have to have a [00:04:00] choice and um, that's what we're going to do.

That's what we're going to do. It was a very difficult difficult decision to make to, to do this and we were, we're going to be, this was, this is what happened and this is, again, this will be a good thing for Sullivan County, and I think, and I honestly think that we can work together with the elected John.

Legislators coming in and there are a good bunch of people. I'm sorry.

Jason Dole: No, I'm sorry for interrupting there. I was just want to say so you have a two year term. Does that mean that you're on through next year? And if so, we asked Ann about this. What's next on the horizon in terms of next year will be less of a local election.

You have some more bigger races. How does what happened yesterday set you up in terms of what the Republican party wants to do next year for next year's races?

Greg Goldstein: I, again, I have to look at what races we have coming up, obviously the presidential [00:05:00] election next year, but this is going to help, uh, rebuild the Sullivan County Republican party.

That, that's my goal right now. And that's the majority of the committees and the party wants, we need to rebuild our party so that we're back there with good candidates that will, listen to input from everybody that's on board and not treat everybody rudely or whatever you want to say.

It's got to be a working legislature. This, as I said, it's Sullivan County. We need to. We all, we have positives, we have negatives, but we have to work on both of those to strengthen the county.

Jason Dole: All right. Greg Goldstein, I thank you for taking your time today to talk to us. Thank

Greg Goldstein: you so much. Thank you very much and great coverage guys.

Thank you.

Local Election Reaction: Greg Goldstein, Chairman for Sullivan County Republicans
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